Branding Agency for Startup

Brand Strategy

We work with startups to clarify their purpose, find their voice, understand their tribe, and define their goals. The result is a clear strategic plan that unites your team around a common vision


Our approach to brand strategy is simple – we help you clarify your purpose, find your voice, understand your customers, and define your goals.


Vision & Mission

what your goals are for the next 5-20 years?

Creative Branding Agency -ADS

Brand Heart

we need to get to the ‘why’ behind it



What are your three most important brand values?

Creative Branding Agency-ADS


Who are your three key audiences?


Brand personality

How it interacts with it’s environment.


The right marketing strategy will put you ahead of the competition. That's exactly what you get with us. We take the time to understand your business, the industry, your competitors, and how you stand out from the crowd. We then help you create the best strategy to help your startup get ahead of the competition.

Defines what your brand is, its benefits, and competitive advantages as well as what it means to target the market. Your product positioning builds an emotional connection with your customers.

We help you create a better understanding of your customers by mapping out the way they think, how they make decisions, what influences them, and their motivations. This will help you to engage with them in a manner that is deeply relevant to their needs and desires.

With Competitive analysis, you get an actionable report that gives you an overview of your brand’s performance in the market today. The report includes a detailed analysis of your brand’s key competitors and their positioning in the market, allowing you to identify potential new opportunities for growth.

Every brand has certain attributes that make it stand out from its competitors. The Brand Attributes can be used to create, modify and assess the brand image. The brand image is the overall perception of the company or product in the mind of customers.

Brand Messaging helps you build an emotional connection with your customers. You are the only one that can do that for your brand. We help you create a language to tell your story, convey your values, and deliver on your promise.

Your marketing plan is directly tied to the brand strategy and overarching business plan. It outlines your key messages, your target market, your audience, who your competitors are, what is unique about you, where you do better vs. others, etc.



Brand strategy is the cornerstone of business. It is one of the most critical aspects of business success and provides a sustainable competitive advantage. But more than that, it allows businesses to differentiate their products and services from those of competitors.
Your brand strategy should define your company’s mission so that your team can understand the overall direction of where the company exists within its market. It should outline how you want to be perceived by customers and stakeholders alike, but also focus on concrete steps you must take to achieve long-term business goals.

Whether a business is currently in a state of growth or success, they all have one thing in common: they have customers. However, if your company isn’t doing so well, in order to do better you need to deeply understand your audience and what they really want from you. This way, you can provide the most value to the customer and get what you both want out of the relationship! This is where brand strategy comes into play. With brand strategy, we answer these questions
Brand Strategy can be like a road map for your target audience (wherever they may be) showing them the way to their ambitions AND encouraging them to remain loyal customers by adding EVEN MORE VALUE to what they already love about your brand!
So in simple words ask yourself these questions
DO I know my audience
DO I know How to engage with them
Am I positioned differently from my competition
If the answers are no then you need a brand strategy.

Over the past few years, we have been working closely with fast-growing startups. It will be our pleasure to work with more startups, so they can build their brand in a way that will increase revenue. We have a team of top designers and branding experts who understand how to create a brand identity for a startup. That will resonate with customers, prospects, employees, and partners.
This is a startup branding agency. Therefore, if you are a startup seeking growth, we are the right company for you.

The process of turning your ideas into a plan. As co-founders of a startup branding agency, we know how it feels to have lots of ideas. With our help, you can incorporate these ideas into marketing, communications that aim to reach, engage, inform, and inspire your target audience. We are passionate about the businesses we work with and believe our clients will grow through creative collaboration and strategic thinking. We are recognized as one of the top brand strategies, creative, advertising agencies in India.
In order to design our brand strategy, we listen to the core issues you have and where you want to improve. Then we transform your thoughts and insights into an action plan, a road map that will help you achieve your goal
Here are a few steps to get an overview

Brand Strategy Workshop-
The brand strategy begins with simply knowing the key message you want to convey. We will listen to your core problems, where you want to improve, what are your goals etc. With all the information collected through informal interviews with key stakeholders, we begin framing this knowledge into our design brief. Six main areas are defined during the interviews starting from understanding what’s essential for the brand and where it wants to go, then onto probing about issues that concern the target audience.
1. Vision & mission
2. Brand DNA
3. Values
4. Audience
5. Personality
6. Competitors

Vision & Mission – Creating a roadmap for your products and services is an important initiative that every business should undertake at some point in time. However, it can be difficult to fully embrace the planning process without having first considered the future of your company. Before determining what products or services will be added or how your business will evolve, first consider what your goals are for the next 5-20 years.

Brand DNA- People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.
— Simon Sinek
To understand the brand’s purpose we need to get to the ‘why’ behind it. We run dissect three questions.
What are you offering?
How are you unique?
Why do you exist?

What are your three most important brand values?

Who are your three key audiences?

Brand personality
The 12 brand archetypes help inform how a company presents itself in the world. The archetypes help to express how your brand will be related to, whom it’s targeting, and what you want to say to them by selecting certain visual design elements involved with the marketing of your product.

Study your competitors, product and customers. Find out what
makes your business unique. The main goal of the research is to
collect as much information as possible at the beginning so that
we won’t miss anything later.

Brand Strategy Document
Once we’ve interviewed key stakeholders and done research on the company and project, we can architect a new brand strategy by creating a document that will outline the new strategy with a pragmatic analysis of the interviews and research.